Tag: writing

  • A Story and B Story Explained

    A Story and B Story Explained

    What Are A and B Stories and How to Connect Them There’s a lot of confusion out there about what an A Story is and what a B Story is. These terms get thrown around in both screenwriting and novel writing, but what do they mean? What’s a B Story character? What’s the difference between… Read more

  • How to Organize Your Worldbuilding for Fantasy and Sci-Fi Worlds

    How to Organize Your Worldbuilding for Fantasy and Sci-Fi Worlds

    Have you ever come to a spot in your book where it is time to discuss some piece of worldbuilding, so you look through your notes but can’t find the details you need? You look through notebooks, journals, documents on your computer, and notes on your phone, but can’t find what you’re looking for. If… Read more

  • A Guide to Writing Dialogue in Novels and Stories

    A Guide to Writing Dialogue in Novels and Stories

    How to Format Dialogue and Tips for Better Dialogue Writing dialogue can be complicated. From knowing where to put a comma or a period to knowing when to use single quotes, there are a lot of rules to keep in mind, not to mention you have to make sure the dialogue sounds authentic. This guide… Read more

  • How to Create Powerful Internal Conflict in Your Characters

    How to Create Powerful Internal Conflict in Your Characters

    Internal conflict is one of the most important aspects of writing a story. Without it, characters fall flat and aren’t relatable to readers. But with it, they feel authentic, like real people. However, it can be difficult to create internal conflict that resonates with readers and drives the story. So, here’s a guide for crafting… Read more

  • 5 Ways to Create Convincing Character Personalities

    5 Ways to Create Convincing Character Personalities

    It’s tough to create character personalities that feel real—not to mention a cast of characters that feel authentic. Each character needs a personality that’s unique and different from your own. And, of course, there’s internal conflict, which deserves its own blog post (read that post here). You only have experience being you. So how do… Read more