Tag: writing

  • Book Prologue Definition and How to Write One

    Book Prologue Definition and How to Write One

    Prologues in books can be both tricky and controversial. You may be wondering how to write a prologue—or if you should. They can be a great tool for hooking readers or setting up a conflict, but many readers admit to skipping prologues. Today’s post will cover the meaning and purpose of a book prologue, how… Read more

  • How to Write Act 3 of Your Novel Using Save the Cat

    How to Write Act 3 of Your Novel Using Save the Cat
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    At last, we’ve reached the final act of your story. But how do you write Act 3 of a novel? It can be difficult because everything in the book has been building up to this point. You made promises to the reader in Act 1 and made progress on those promises in Act 2. Now… Read more

  • How to Write Act 2 of Your Novel Using Save the Cat (Part 2)

    How to Write Act 2 of Your Novel Using Save the Cat (Part 2)
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    We have reached the second half of Act 2 in our discussion of the Save the Cat! beats. By this point, we’re halfway through the book. We’ve come so far, but we’ve still got a long way to go. Don’t fret, I’m going to help you learn how to write Act 2 of your novel.… Read more

  • How to Write Act 2 of Your Novel Using Save the Cat (Part 1)

    How to Write Act 2 of Your Novel Using Save the Cat (Part 1)
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    Wondering how to write Act 2 of a novel? You’re not alone. Many writers consider the second act to be the most difficult. Act 2 covers about 50% of the story—that’s a lot of pages to fill! The basic Three-Act Story Structure doesn’t give much guidance for Act 2. Luckily, we have other story structures… Read more

  • How to Write Act 1 of Your Novel Using Save the Cat

    How to Write Act 1 of Your Novel Using Save the Cat
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    I didn’t pay much attention to structure until I started editing other people’s stories and novels. Only then did I see how much structure can help a story. If you learn how to write Act 1 of your novel, it will help you set up a satisfying story. But without some kind of structure, the… Read more

  • Essential Elements of Act 1 – How to Write Act 1 of Your Novel

    Essential Elements of Act 1 – How to Write Act 1 of Your Novel

    Writing the first act of a novel can be difficult. You have to juggle setting up the story, introducing the main characters and conflict, and establishing the setting while trying not to bore readers with information. And it’s not enough just to not bore them, you must attempt to engage them so they keep reading.… Read more

  • First Chapter Checklist: What Makes an Engaging Opening Chapter

    First Chapter Checklist: What Makes an Engaging Opening Chapter

    The first chapter of your novel is perhaps the most difficult and most important chapter of the entire book. The opening chapter is the first thing readers will read, and it will determine if they decide to keep reading. No pressure, right? Luckily, there are hallmarks that most great first chapters follow. If you’re lost… Read more

  • Steal My Revision Strategy – How to Revise a Novel

    Steal My Revision Strategy – How to Revise a Novel

    So you’ve written your book (congrats!) and realized it’s got some issues. Maybe halfway through you cut an unnecessary character, maybe there’s a big plot hole or your main character’s arc needs a better setup, maybe the beginning is full of info dumping. Regardless of the issues, you’re now wondering, “How do I fix all… Read more

  • How to Turn a Passive Protagonist into an Active Protagonist

    How to Turn a Passive Protagonist into an Active Protagonist
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    Have you ever had this thought while reading a book or watching a movie: “A lot of things are happening, but I’m just bored,” or “I’m not sure I care what happens to this character”? Me too. The culprit may not be obvious, but these thoughts can be the result of a passive protagonist. Protagonists… Read more

  • Show, Don’t Tell: Finding Balance Between Showing and Telling

    Show, Don’t Tell: Finding Balance Between Showing and Telling

    If you’ve been in the writing community for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard the advice “show, don’t tell.” This is one of the most common recommendations in the writing world. And for good reason. When a story is full of telling, it’s boring. Readers want to be immersed in a narrative. They want… Read more